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Practice Area|Dispute Resolution

Product Liability & Consumer Claims

Jipyong provides excellent legal services based on our experience in advising and representing clients in disputes related to product liability in a variety of complex areas, including various electronics, high-tech machinery, manufactured products, and power generation facilities.  We have excelled in disputes representing manufacturers as well as in those representing general consumers.

Jipyong especially provides systematic and comprehensive services across all areas of product liability based on our accumulated research on product liability laws as well as various advisory and representation experiences in cases related to product liability insurance, end product liability insurance, and specialty insurance such as INT E&O and recall insurance, etc.

Key Practice Areas Close

    • Advise on and represent clients in disputes related to manufactured products, such as in product liability lawsuits
    • Advise on and represent clients in cases concerning product liability insurance
    • Advise on and represent clients in cases involving specialty insurance policies such as INT E&O and recall insurance
    • Advise on and represent clients in consumer disputes

Experience Close

    • Represented a Korean electronics manufacturer in various product liability lawsuits
    • Advised on various matters related to product liability insurance
    • Advised on various matters related to recall insurance coverage
    • Advised on various matters related to INT E&O coverage 
    • Represented a client in a claim for damages related to automobile exhaust gas
    • Represented clients in a number of product liability lawsuits related to power generators, boilers, and wind power plants
    • Represented a client in a product liability lawsuit related to a cosmetics company